31 Ft Bertram - Santa Lúcia Boat Charters

Sobre este iate

This beautiful 31ft Bertram is available for both fishing and exploring the island.

Head out on a private full or half day Fishing Charter or cruise along the coast of St Lucia on a half or full day sightseeing / snorkel trip. 

Detalhes da viagem


She is the legendary fishing hull that has gone through complete refurbishment from top to bottom, everything has been replaced, including new twin Cummins 6BTA engines, making her a 10 out of 10.

With her vast cockpit and exceptional seaworthiness, Blue Boy is extremely comfortable both out in the Atlantic looking for big game or cruising along our beautiful coastline to one of our island\'s secret spots.

Fast, comfortable, and rigged for serious fishing, Blue Boy is the darling of their fleet.


You will depart from the quaint Vigie Cove and cruise along St Lucia\'s magical western coastline.

Along the way you have the option to fish, whale, and dolphin watch or just relax and take in the sights and fresh ocean breeze with a cold drink in hand. During the cruise, you will pass quaint fishing villages, as we cruise between the majestic Piton Mountains to snorkel at the world-famous, Sugar Beach.

On a full day, you will be given the option to go ashore in the town of Soufriere to visit the sights such as the Tet Paul Hike, Botanical Gardens, Waterfall, and Volcano. You can either have lunch there or choose to have it served on board at a beach. We even have the option to have an authentic Carib lunch prepped and cooked on a beach!

Next, it\'s off to a secluded beach, for swimming and drinks in the crystal clear, Caribbean Sea. From the beach, it’s a scenic cruise to beautiful Marigot Bay, where you may stop for a cocktail at one of the waterside restaurants, before returning to port. An open bar awaits you on board along with snacks, snorkeling gear, and fishing equipment!

Our crew is world-class and goes above and beyond to make these tours special, they are the ones who make our company great!

Every trip can be customized to make it a tour you will cherish forever.

So come along, be pampered with 5-star personalized treatment by the friendly professional staff, and have the trip of a lifetime!

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Oferecemos as seguintes Viagens

  • Half Day Fishing - 4 Hours (Max 6 Pers)
    $674 USD

    Fish the Deep waters around St Lucia on a 4 hour, half day trip and try your luck for Marlin, Sailfish, Tuna, Mahi and Wahoo.

    Passageiro: 87 USD
  • Full Day Fishing - 8 Hours (Max 6 Pers)
    $1010 USD

    Fish the Deep waters around St Lucia on a 4 hour, half day trip and try your luck for Marlin, Sailfish, Tuna, Mahi and Wahoo.

    Passageiro: 87 USD

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Dúvidas ou Pedidos

Seus dados de contato

Cálculo de Preço

Taxa padrão: 800 USD

Pax Incluído na tarifa padrão: 4

Taxa Adicional de Passageiros: 80 USD

Preço base: 550 USD

Preço total: 550 USD

Depósito 0 USD

Equilíbrio: 550 USD

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1/ Enviaremos primeiro uma confirmação de disponibilidade do barco.
2/ Se você decidir seguir em frente e reservar o frete, basta clicar no link de pagamento, para pagar um pequeno depósito (máx. 15%). O link de pagamento será enviado com a confirmação de disponibilidade.
3/ Quando o depósito for pago, você receberá uma confirmação de viagem muito detalhada.

O que os clientes dizem sobre nosso serviço

  • Sep, 2022

    Bom dia de mergulho com minha família de 6 pessoas. As águas estavam calmas e apenas 6 pés de profundidade, mas a vida marinha era incrível. Até peguei uma lagosta.

  • Oct, 2022

    Grande dia pescando os apartamentos. Alvará Pego, Barracuda e Tarpon enorme. O capitão e o barco foram ótimos e fizeram um ótimo dia!

  • Nov, 2022

    Incrível viagem de pesca em alto mar. Fomos cerca de 20 milhas da costa e encontramos um canteiro de ervas daninhas onde pegamos toneladas de Mahi! Vai fazê-lo novamente em breve.